Player Listing

2003 Tournament

Name Last,First Top 5 & Score Phone Number E-Mail Address
Battle, Wes Tenn, Florida, WVU, Miami OH, B Green, LSU 27-21 917-806-0874 [email protected]
Brush, Bart 1)Ok St 2)LSU 3)WVU 4)Tex 5)Tenn, LSU - 24 OK - 12 412.782.2378 [email protected]
Cohen, Brad fla,mia(fl),Tenn,Geo,USC 27-24 LSU 412-661-2641 [email protected]
Cohen, Doug 1Ten,2GA,3Miss,4WVU,5Utah 412-661-3732 [email protected]
Gaffney, Lincoln Miami-OH, Minn, Md, KSU., Boise S, Okl 27 LSU 16   [email protected]
Gailliot, Peter Florida, Mich State, Tenn, K State, GA Ok24LSU21 917-363-6884 [email protected]
Greissing, Jay GT, Tenn, Miami OH, Iowa, UVA -- Sugar (27-21) 347-231-5932 [email protected]
Harrick, Chris 1 Oklahoma, 2Pitt, 3WVU, 4V Tech, 5USC 35-24 415 218-5346 [email protected]
Hoye, Kyle Arkansas,Tenn,Miami(FL),Pitt,GT,41 312-307-7703 [email protected]
Leahy, Michael 1st-Louisville,2nd-NCSU,3rd-UVA,4th-NorthW,5-TTech 434-760-3534 [email protected]
Leark,Bill Memphis, Oklahoma, Miss, Ohio St.,USC, 52(31-21) 708-878-0678 [email protected]
Lowboy Glazer TexTech,GATech,UGA,ORSt,Auburn,34-24 323 828 0556 [email protected]
Lucas, Brian Virginia, FSU, Clemson, Maryland, NC State; 24-17 804-615-1471 [email protected]
McAllister, John Virginia, W. Virginia, USC, Miss, Iowa, 28-25 LSU 4342967507 [email protected]
McBride, Jim 1V.Tec24-17 2pitt17-10 3aub21-10 4Fl28-17 5mi21-17 (412) 551-3018 [email protected]
Moncla, Kerry 1Tex Tech,2Fla,3Hawaii,4Texas,5Boise State; 35-14 713-263-8566 [email protected]
Palmore, Michael Michigan, Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio St, 45 804-647-6584 [email protected]
Roosevelt, Ted Georgia, OK, L'ville, Kansas, Cal 34-24 917-576-6926 [email protected]
Shaker, Mark 1 west virg 2. wisc 3 ttech 4 miami 5 okl41-20 708.752.5737 [email protected]
Sparks, Steven 1 UTenn 2 UGA 3 UVA 4 USC 5 WVU LSU 19-OU 17 828-781-2955 [email protected]
Stone, Rocky 1-5 GaTech, VPI, NCS, OhSt, Tx score35-26 OU 404.822.1820 [email protected]
Thompson, Christopher Oklahoma,Michigan,Purdue,Maryland,Pittsburg/51 8023455459 [email protected]
Thompson, LT Michigan, Nthwst, Iowa, Ohio St, Wisc, Okl 28-20 828-234-1487 [email protected]
Thompson, Macon Bwlng Grn, Mich, Pgh, VA Tech, Mich St (55pts) 724-601-4724 [email protected]
Thomson, Neil #1UVA; #2 VTech; #3Texas; #4NCSU; #5Miss;21-19 LSU 843-697-0200 [email protected]
Williams, The (1) Ole Miss,2Ohio St.,3Miami OH,4Cal,5Boise,38-14 (412) 802-6518 [email protected]
Wren, David 1.Texas Tech, Bowling Green,USC,Fresno, LSU 31-28 646 489 6026 [email protected]

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